About Christine Napierski

You may remember Christine Napierski. Several years ago, she ran for Guilderland Town Justice. At the time, the Guilderland Democratic Committee was holding an outdated, unfair, and unpublicized caucus to nominate candidates for Town office. Christine opposed the caucus because it suppressed the vote, disenfranchised people with disabilities, the elderly and people serving in the military. She went to court to stop it. Although the lawsuit was unsuccessful, the Guilderland Democratic Committee finally allowed a Primary for nominating candidates this year.

Christine has a record of accomplishments that makes her a strong and worthy candidate for the Town Board. She has practiced law for over 30 years in State Supreme Court, started her own law firm in 2000, served on the Capital District Woman’s Bar Association Committee on the Judiciary, was Past President of the Capital District Trial Lawyers Association and served on the State Supreme Court Third Department Committee on Character and Fitness.

Christine volunteers for The Teresian House Foundation and the Guilderland YMCA Advisory Board and is a former member of the Steering Committee of the Guilderland Coalition for Responsible Growth. She is also a wife and a mother.

Christine has lived in Guilderland most of her life and has deep roots in the community. She is concerned about the explosion of growth that Guilderland has been experiencing. She is running because she is worried about the future of Guilderland and what kind of Town we are leaving for the next generation. Christine wants to invest in the future of Guilderland by supporting projects that benefit the community like sidewalks, bike lanes, upgrading our roads and making them safer and neighborhood parks.

Christine is a lifelong Democrat and has worked hard for the Guilderland Democratic Committee. She has volunteered for various campaigns and carried petitions for Democratic candidates like Susan Rizzo, Margaret Tabak and Michelle Hinchey. She is proudly endorsed by the Working Families Party.


Christine Napierski is Asking You to Vote for Change


Christine Napierski is fighting for change in Guilderland. She is running for Guilderland Town Board because she wants to give the voters a choice between the conservative establishment and a candidate with true Democratic values. She will not be a rubber stamp or an empty suit. Christine has promised not to take money from developers and Pyramid. Christine will use her 30 years of experience as an advocate to fight for the residents and be their voice on the Town Board.

Guilderland Democratic voters have an important choice to make in this election. There are two seats up for election on the Town Board and four candidates running. The Guilderland Democratic Committee has endorsed two candidates that represent the status quo. One candidate has been on the Town Board for 15 years and is seeking another four-year term and the other is a current member of the Guilderland Planning Board and former Town employee. As the Guilderland Democratic candidates have done in the past, both candidates who have been endorsed by the Guilderland Democratic Party have petitioned to also run on the Conservative Party line.

You have a choice to make between voting for change or voting to keep the status quo. Christine is asking for your vote because she will bring much needed change and independence to the Town Board. She will be a voice for the residents and not for special interests.

You have the power to make a difference in the future of our Town by voting Christine M. Napierski, for Town Council on June 22, 2021 or make a plan to vote early, June 12-20, 2021.